marți, 7 august 2012

Că tot vorbirăm de Pollock,

am găsit acest poem de Inger Christensen, marea poetă daneză, pe care l-am tradus acum ceva timp.

poli albaștri

În seara asta, departe începe să meargă

tot mai departe, iar visul

ce știm despre vis

salturi metalice Jackson Pollock

torente argintii Jackson Pollock

privesc de-a lungul marea

văd în depărtare mersul tău și tu

treci Pacificul, distant și albastru

falus și ritmul lui Moloch în zare

înspre alteritate

înspre alteritate?

suntem oare în lume după sau înainte

suntem sau nu forță magnetică

pare că mie îmi spui:

geneză femeie vis care începe

în seara asta să meargă tot mai departe

în seara asta s-ajungă tot mai departe

salturi metalice Jackson Pollock

torente argintii Jackson Pollock

mai departe de-a lungul albastrului marea y begins to go
farther away, and the dream

what do we know of the dream

metallic leaps Jackson Pollock

silvery streams Jackson Pollock

I gaze across the sea

see in the distance your walk and you

pass the Pacific, distant and blue

phallus and Moloch pace my view

on into otherness

on into otherness?

are we in the world after or before

are we or are we not magnetic force

it is apparently me you inform:

genesis woman dream that begins

tonight to go farther away

tonight to reach farther away

metallic leaps Jackson Pollock

silvery streams Jackson Pollock

on across the blue sea

Tonight, away begins to go

farther away, and the dream

what do we know of the dream

metallic leaps Jackson Pollock

silvery streams Jackson Pollock

I gaze across the sea

see in the distance your walk and you

pass the Pacific, distant and blue

phallus and Moloch pace my view

on into otherness

on into otherness?

are we in the world after or before

are we or are we not magnetic force

it is apparently me you inform:

genesis woman dream that begins

tonight to go farther away

tonight to reach farther away

metallic leaps Jackson Pollock

silvery streams Jackson Pollock

on across the blue sea

Source: Poetry (May 2009).

Tonight, away begins to go

farther away, and the dream

what do we know of the dream

metallic leaps Jackson Pollock

silvery streams Jackson Pollock

I gaze across the sea

see in the distance your walk and you

pass the Pacific, distant and blue

phallus and Moloch pace my view

on into otherness

on into otherness?

are we in the world after or before

are we or are we not magnetic force

it is apparently me you inform:

genesis woman dream that begins

tonight to go farther away

tonight to reach farther away

metallic leaps Jackson Pollock

silvery streams Jackson Pollock

on across the blue sea

Source: Poetry (May 2009).

Tonight, away begins to go

farther away, and the dream

what do we know of the dream

metallic leaps Jackson Pollock

silvery streams Jackson Pollock

I gaze across the sea

see in the distance your walk and you

pass the Pacific, distant and blue

phallus and Moloch pace my view

on into otherness

on into otherness?

are we in the world after or before

are we or are we not magnetic force

it is apparently me you inform:

genesis woman dream that begins

tonight to go farther away

tonight to reach farther away

metallic leaps Jackson Pollock

silvery streams Jackson Pollock

on across the blue sea

Source: Poetry (May 2009).

Tonight, away begins to go

farther away, and the dream

what do we know of the dream

metallic leaps Jackson Pollock

silvery streams Jackson Pollock

I gaze across the sea

see in the distance your walk and you

pass the Pacific, distant and blue

phallus and Moloch pace my view

on into otherness

on into otherness?

are we in the world after or before

are we or are we not magnetic force

it is apparently me you inform:

genesis woman dream that begins

tonight to go farther away

tonight to reach farther away

metallic leaps Jackson Pollock

silvery streams Jackson Pollock

on across the blue sea

Source: Poetry (May 2009).

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