miercuri, 20 februarie 2013



încerc să-ţi explic în câte feluri posibile puteam să aleg să fiu kamikaze

să fi rămas era deja / am plecat şi e şi mai şi


în orele astea ţara mea de 150 x 250 km e măcelărită îndelung

s-ar părea că e prea puţin spaţiu pentru atâta rahat

dar nu


aici au început să-mi placă siturile industriale

şi câmpurile deschise

zgomotul alb din pereţii  caselor

am mâncat un şniţel dintr-o materie abstractă

goddamit –  mi-a plăcut


uite-te atent la generatorul ăsta de aburi

e mai viu decât noi


de acum încolo nu mai are de ce să ne fie teamă

câmpul e la fel de minat peste tot

iar istoria deopotrivă de scurtă


şampanie –

conductele cu materie cenuşie—

totul aruncat în larg

sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2013

a FLARF poem -

two automatic doors, synchronized

I want simple Open Dialog

I feel like I was hurting your leather gloves

defibrillator shall be used

low noise

poor robot Should have a job

make a Self in most desirable shape

it is going to show us

two zones
Eastern Door

North/South quirk

Teleologic Doors

doors with two synchronized wings

leaves fully synchronized

Automatic doors opening for each other

something like this

moving system of left/right doors on loop

perfect wiring

synchronization was incomplete
No Temple Door Open
ajar and forced

door claims obstacle

door goes unpunished

when a door is not synchronized fawns choke

chickens may be to blame, but I don't know

just make sure to fly
beige plurality of wings

try using sky roundtrip

or a dead bus

start and stop internal clocks

synchronized with the pulse

current time and date must be cut


as early as the 1930s

 “standing/walking”, “lying” and “eating”

synchronized skating teams
style of the first game

and much more

visits at a crime scene

We investigated the behaviour of

master-slave function

driver and passenger

when networked together

12 people between 4 readers

synchronize your books

stay synchronized

two fully automatic memories

will move throughout arena including meeting rooms

The Do-not-disturb sign will hang on the door

will keep mutual exclusion